Sunday, December 1, 2013

Behind the scenes of "My 350 QX Crashed" video

I'm glad that many are intrigued by my mishap here but I have to be honest; I was not 100% sure how Horizon Hobby was going to respond to my request.  I took as many pictures at the scene of the crash just in case Horizon questions my account.  Of course, I also have this video to show.  I made sure I told the HH agent that I have proof.

I was also bummed that this happened to me after seeing all the complaints on Facebook and forums about the propeller issue that everyone is having.  My goal for this video is to not crucify Horizon Hobby but to show that 1. it does happen and 2. HH was open to doing the repair and exchange.

Horizon Hobby did send me all the parts to repair it but after a few tries, frustration set in and I decided to send my 350 QX and have them repair it.  I had to wait for three weeks to get it back.  I got somewhat testy with HH but in the end they actually sent me a brand new quad replacing my broken one.

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