Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Amazon PrimeAir Drone Delivery: Give me a break!

The first thing that jump to my head after seeing this is, "Are you kidding me!"  An octocopter landing in front of somebody's suburban house or garage might not be an issue but last time I checked; people living in the city won't have that luxury. 

I get the WOW-factor that Amazon tried with this holiday gimmick.  Get people talking about Amazon during the holidays?  I'd be patting the back of the person who thought about this if I was Bezos. 

There are so many technical, safety, security issues to make this work.  As a quadcopter flyer, this is cool to me but I also think that this is an enormous undertaking to make happen.  At best, this is a fair-weather delivery system.  As with everything, weather will limit this system from doing its job.  I'm not going to delve into the technical hurdles such as battery life, GPS and frequency interference because strong winds alone will keep this from taking off.  The safety issues that this will cause will make it an unpopular delivery option.

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